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Good design is powerful.

Great design is transformative. 

I learned this over the course of a 25-year creative corporate career. I spent my working hours designing marketing campaigns and communications strategies, working hand in hand with art directors and creative teams, guiding videographers and graphic designers, presenting creative concepts to clients and stakeholders. And writing, ever writing. 

In parallel I spent my weekends and free time engaging heavily in the interior arts, thoughtfully reimagining our suburban North Carolina home until I could recognize myself fully in its spaces. My goal was not to achieve a particular aesthetic but to create an externalization of what I valued. I believed our home environment should emerge from us, rather than be imported to us. I still treasure the "maker dates" with my husband who brought the woodworking and technical expertise to our more complex projects. It was rewarding soulful work, focused on what most represented us. The work made me feel good, feel alive.

My focus was also on family togetherness. How could we better forge bonds within these walls? What design style or layout would foster the most connection with our two boys, encourage the beloved talking circle? At the same time, I needed to know that the principles of light and proportion and color didn't favor massive budgets over smaller ones. Our boys were young at the time, so stocking college funds outweighed French architectural features. I discovered that the core principles of design are reliable constants. I used those principles to turn our space into something we loved, artful and meaningful -- without tearing down walls. Soon I began helping friends do the same. I loved nothing more than sharing the power of great design. 

The parallel creative journeys of marketing and interiors blurred over time. Each fed the other. Each expanded the other.  I discovered first-hand that great design is bedrock for human connection at home and for global-scale business transformation. 


I launched The Soulful Haus to bring meaningful feel-good interiors to more people. Here I feature some of my projects while others I hold sacred for the clients that entrust their personal spaces to me. My approach blends interior artistry with individualized expression. I listen deeply to understand who you are, how you want to experience life at home, what you love and value, and how you want to feel. This insight inspires color, texture, light, pattern, material, scale and furnishings -- all orchestrated into an uplifting and recognizable expression of you. 


Think of me as your translator for the language of interiors. 


Consider me your catalyst for a better life at home.















Laura Schuchart
Interior Stylist
Accidental Design Therapist

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